

TEL. 050-3353-7836

〒311-2425 茨城県潮来市あやめ2−23−31

Concept of our Office事務所方針


 We promise to serve you with the outstanding and best of our knowledge under any laws and regulations of Japan.

Message from the Gyoseishoshi Lawyer


While you are living/staying in Japan, is there any problems or questions such as "Who may I ask this kind of problem matter."?
Don't worry! We are very happy to help you and find the best way to solve those with our alliance partner such as regal lawyer or tax accountant.
Please feel free and contact us. You will find the right solution.


Hirano Gyoseishoshi Lawyer (Immigration Lawyer)Office

2-23-31 Ayame, Itako-city
Ibaraki-pref.,311-2425, JAPAN

TEL 050-3353-7836
FAX 050-3455-3861
Email: info@officehirano.net